Children's Book
Not Like Me
Not Like Me
"Not like me" a children book about Diversity Follwing a group of friend from differnt ethic backgrounds written by Self Publisher Michelle Sawyer and illustrated yours truly
"Not like me" a children book about Diversity Follwing a group of friend from differnt ethic backgrounds written by Self Publisher Michelle Sawyer and illustrated yours truly
"Not Like Me" Follows Jocia or Jo Jo for short, as we experience his life, and introduces the reader to his friends Nikki, Justin, Jamal, Esteban, Eric who are all different from him.. Jo Jo explains even though we don't look and act the same, being different is ok.
"Not Like Me" Follows Jocia or Jo Jo for short, as we experience his life, and introduces the reader to his friends Nikki, Justin, Jamal, Esteban, Eric who are all different from him.. Jo Jo explains even though we don't look and act the same, being different is ok.
The Author wanted illustrations that showcased Diversity. I looked to my own group of friends drawing inspirations from them. Looking at their backgrounds and ethnicity, I created theses charaters who except eachother for their differences.
The Author wanted illustrations that showcased Diversity. I looked to my own group of friends drawing inspirations from them. Looking at their backgrounds and ethnicity, I created theses charaters who except eachother for their differences.